Sunday, 5 December 2010

ITAP Lecture- Week 8

Photography Used in Context
References-,, newsgrist,
One particular image can be used in a number of different contexts, to also portray various meanings. By involving a story into the equation, it changes the use and purpose of the photograph.
Photographer Tyler Hicks has hiss specialist subject as newspaper photography.  

He depicts very profounding images of devasations and tradgedies that have occured across the world. The photographs he has captured are situated in Indonesia, India, etc. Hicks has been able to be at the heart of many major events, to display desperation and poverty.

Every image can tell a story, by the media from newspapers and the internet, it can bring forward to our minds and thoughts of how other peoples’ lives are lead, good and bad. But specifically, some photographers try to portray a sense of need and awareness.
These images shown really show their lives, how they lead them in their current situation, with the tragic events happening around them. It really makes the audience realise how they live their life, and apprecaite what they have, and this results in very powerful and moving photography created here.

Photography used to Influence and Create Emotion
There are various forms of media, for example newspapers, poster campaigns, charities, promotion etc that are all created to play on our emotions and opinions on issues.  For example children’s charities really use this emotional tool very well to their advantage.
These types of photographs and imagery have one sole purpose- to shock us and be made aware of the context of the photograph.
 The photos shown below are for the NSPCC charity for children. The first image has the baby as the main subject, holding a syringe and a wire in a grungy environment, setting the scene of what some kind of squalor children live in our society. 

The following poster takes a different approach to the issue of child abuse. A keyboard is shown, which is part of our lifestyle, with internet, computers etc, so people can instantly relate to this image. With the manipulation of the word “help” in the keyboard, it is suggesting it is simple and you are one step away from contacting the charity for help.

With these posters, they are very powerful and heart rendering to the audience, with the composition playing a big part as well. This photo below is the whole of the poster, the main subject and it is quite an influential image, as it is reaching out to th peopl of Britain from another country, showing us that we musn't forget those vunerable children across the world.

In conclusion to this, in order to capture the audiences’ attention, you need to make a big impact visually, as this is more accessible and quick to absorb the information, so as a result of this, will persuade the reader to make an informed decision on the issue at hand.

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